Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Final Assignment (5)

The day for submission- Final is here.

I learnt a lot- comic drawing is not as simple as I thought. There are so much to think through and plan. From now on, I will read comic with a greater appreciation of how they play with frames, angles etc.

In addition, I also learnt how to do up a website, create interactivity in a web, played with gif animation and how to make a full story through multiple storyline.

Overall, I enjoyed this module. Although all the assignments can be really demanding but they were all pretty fun. At the end of each assignment I always have this great accomplishment :)
(The feeling would be even better if the grades were higher. haha)

I'm so glad I learnt all these skills on html and managed to improve some design skills.
This would be really useful in my future endeavour for designing :)


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final Assignment (4)

Finally we reach the part where we have to present at week13.

Very different from other group is that we managed to finish our coloring first, while other groups were done with their track instead.
Well, this is because coding is a problem in our group. We are really not familiar with html coding, so we had a hard time trying to search and figure out how to do the effects we thought of implementing in our story to create interactivity.

- This is shows that each team has different strategy.
Learnt: It is important to have a timeline and strategy to how we can work on the development of the project.
(Because after the session, I realised that html is the part taking alot of our time and is more critical than coloring appeal)

Anyway, as soon as I have done with coloring, I went on to help our group with the html.
Main contribution towards coding is the Rollover Image techniques that is most used throughout our story. This is mainly used to create the action-to-action transition.
Then again,  to enhance the userbility, we decided to make use to a visual effect, which I managed to add in.

PS: one of the thing i managed to selflearn from this assignment is to do gif animation!

Final Assignment (3)

After we finalised with our story path.

We start to work on the html. But at this point of time I was still working on my colouring.

During the second critique session, there wasn't any remarks on the coloring but as managed to make changes to our story after the first critique.
1) We were told if alien should look ugly
2) Make the scene somewhere out of US
3) Importance of making realistic visual appeal

we took that into consideration but after discussion we decided to reject some of the suggestions. For example, 1) to make the alien look ugly- our main aim were to sproof how hollywood movies always make alien ugly/ weird looking, hence we decided to keep it to have our alien look human-ish.

2) We thought that was not very critical and we hope to follow the opening scene of the movie itself, hence, we did not follow the recommendation.

After the second critique it was the start of battle to work and keep in time towards submission.
Learnt: During this phase, it was important that we had a consensus on concrete layout, color and design. Because this would save us from later for the continuous changes.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Final Assignment (2)

I was saying I am incharge of colouring and it is not an easy task.

Specially within a group, you cannot just do according to your own preference.
Group members consent are important. (We work as a team.)

So I actually ended up recolouring twice. Take for example:
Its pretty obvious I had a total make over for my spaceship. haha
When I first attempt to color, personally I thought the spaceship would be like sliver aluminium type but after discussing with my group member; I had to change it. Because steampunk should be brownish-yellow.
same goes for this page- I tend to color too lightly and had to recolor it. Together with yinghui's, we agree to follow the same color scheme throughout the art.

Learnt: In a team, there are always someone that can help to spot flaws and suggest ways for improvement :) (see, isnt the 2nd attempt so much more appealing? Haha)

Final Assignment (1)

Let me do some recall. (first milestone)

We finally come to a consensus of which idea to use. But we faced a challenge, because we had an story idea first instead of choosing which movie to sproof.
We actually took a day to find movies that can sproof and build towards our story idea and we almost drop the idea because it was really difficult to find.

Thankfully, somehow we managed to find the right movie.
Afterwhich, we start to think of the story... the path... the characters... our duties.

We decided to spilt jobs base on what we are better familiar with :)
For the first phase of our project.
The best artistic in our group, koko is incharge of drawing.
I am assigned to be incharge of colouring our frames with the help of yinghui.
Xinyi and yoges will help to start off with some html and report.

One of things I learnt to consider for in this art project is to deliver the consistent style/ design. As it is pretty important to avoid letting audience feel detached from the sequential art. 
Because different people have different style and tactics in drawing...

Final Assignment brainstorm

for the final assignment.
Our team meet up together and came out with several ideas.
But it was really difficult to spoof movie because most of it are already awesome.

During the meeting, we just throw up all kinds of ideas and I remember having this random idea of "Mankind are the cause of the end of the world"
I thought of spoofing the move: 2012/ End of the world

Where we put people into vicious, selfish mankind that will do anything to survive.
The idea was to have people start to fight for survival; after they thought the world is coming to an end. However, the prediction was wrong. There were tsunami but it was not the cause to world end, it was  humans that started to fight against each other and caused the end of mankind...

Sounds good? haha

BUT it was not really realistic. Ms Jing commented, such situation might just make people more bonded and helpful towards each other. Well, come to think of it, i totally agree.
So we dropped this idea. And move on to our "supernatural" theme.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Assignment 3_Process Development (2)

Final submission of assignment 3.
I did faced a few problems during the proccess of implementing it to web.
1) The codes that enable us to freely arrange the image
2) To allow the web to expand/ scroll infinitly
3) Seamless repetition of background image

Thankfully all the problems were solved.
For problem 1, we solved the problem with div tag. We can place our image into the div box and freely move it around, with the positioning set as absolute and auto.
For problem 2, it was solved when I don't set the width and height for the web.
For problem 3, I actually edited the background photo multiple times in order to make the edges seamless when the image repeat. (The edge isnt obvious unless I zoomout max...)

Here is a screenshot of my final assignments :)
Story is with a mixture of metaphor- haha. Metaphors are pervasive in everyday life; I tried to display the lonely side of an only child, whose parent is always too busy for them (which is pretty common nowadays). They yearn companions and envy those that they came across, but they may not explicitly show.

Some tactics I used:
  • This image is filled up to about ¾ of the screen to create a sense of place, and part of the arrow is revealed to create anticipation and help direct readers.
  • As compared to having the use of gutters, I took away the gutters for part of the sequence to create a sense of infinite space. (The part as if the girl is flying beyond the “space” and views from above.)
  • With the help of both long line and images placed in a wider distance, it gives readers a longer duration of time passed. 
  • Frames are placed closer together with tight scrolling pace to give a sense of shorter time transaction from scene to scene.
Last but not least, the reason for my arrangement:
From the start, it depicts main character being "lonely" with static and linear arrangement before she flies off with the kite. The frames go up as she flew to create a sense of optimism and anticipation, in addition, without the gutter for an impression of infinity. As she landed, the frames go down to depict her "lonely" once again and also in linear arrangement to show that she is back to her static lonely life.