Sunday, March 24, 2013

Assignment 3_Process Development (2)

Final submission of assignment 3.
I did faced a few problems during the proccess of implementing it to web.
1) The codes that enable us to freely arrange the image
2) To allow the web to expand/ scroll infinitly
3) Seamless repetition of background image

Thankfully all the problems were solved.
For problem 1, we solved the problem with div tag. We can place our image into the div box and freely move it around, with the positioning set as absolute and auto.
For problem 2, it was solved when I don't set the width and height for the web.
For problem 3, I actually edited the background photo multiple times in order to make the edges seamless when the image repeat. (The edge isnt obvious unless I zoomout max...)

Here is a screenshot of my final assignments :)
Story is with a mixture of metaphor- haha. Metaphors are pervasive in everyday life; I tried to display the lonely side of an only child, whose parent is always too busy for them (which is pretty common nowadays). They yearn companions and envy those that they came across, but they may not explicitly show.

Some tactics I used:
  • This image is filled up to about ¾ of the screen to create a sense of place, and part of the arrow is revealed to create anticipation and help direct readers.
  • As compared to having the use of gutters, I took away the gutters for part of the sequence to create a sense of infinite space. (The part as if the girl is flying beyond the “space” and views from above.)
  • With the help of both long line and images placed in a wider distance, it gives readers a longer duration of time passed. 
  • Frames are placed closer together with tight scrolling pace to give a sense of shorter time transaction from scene to scene.
Last but not least, the reason for my arrangement:
From the start, it depicts main character being "lonely" with static and linear arrangement before she flies off with the kite. The frames go up as she flew to create a sense of optimism and anticipation, in addition, without the gutter for an impression of infinity. As she landed, the frames go down to depict her "lonely" once again and also in linear arrangement to show that she is back to her static lonely life.

Assignment 3_Development Process (1)

The theme of assignment 3: A lonely Theme
From this assignmentm we have to make use of web and we are supposed to apply Mccloud's Mad Scientists Approach to make use of the web paneling and infinite factor of web.

I really had a brain stuck for this assignments, I tried really hard to come out with storyline that fit into the theme. Well, at the end of the day... you still needs to produce something :X

For the critique session I decided to submit my 1st idea: A lonely Child- relatively metaphorical.

I tried to play with the positong, but it was placed accordingly to the "action" of the girl, instead of trying to make use of it to stress the "feeling" of the story.

These are the few critiques I received:

  • The part when my character is flying, I have to add more people to show that others are having fun with in a group.
  • Its not explicitly showing the girl is feeling lonely and the dad play much attention to her.
  • The arrangement of images can be fine-tune to help embrace the loneliness of the girl when she has to head home.

What I learnt from this assignment is to consider how we can play with the positioning of frames to help stress my story. For example, when she is lonely we can place it in a linear static arrangement and place it upwards to help increase the perception of hope/ anticipation.
Likewise, according to Mccloud, length of scrolling can also help to give readers the sense of time. However, I had not played with the tactics in my assignment draft.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lecture Exercise_wk8

Jason Lex, the amphibian’s lullaby
For this exercise we were to study on this art based online.
Today, we learnt about Mccloud's Mad Scientist Approach web paneling and infinite factor of the web. Personally, I thought its really interesting to discover the different experiences we can have between normal comic strip on book and comic placed in web.

The experience I gained from this story style is really very unique, because its an artstyle I never seen before. It is presented in a way that is so different from the traditional comic book format. The artistic actually bended the rules of sequential storytelling, illustration and computer coloring.
The images are arranged in a "U" shape instead of traditional placement of comic frames. When the images places downwards it seems like the artist is trying to give us a sense of the characters "dismay"... 
Additionally, there were no gutter and the artist played so much on collage to allow readers to imagine with all the mixture of different colors to "depict" his hallucination.

I guess all this breaking of rules that the artist did is not possible in comic book, web with no borders or limits to the space makes everything so much more intesting and possible. 
PS: Online comic really helps to save cost for color printing.