Friday, January 18, 2013

WK1_Defining Sequential Art

Today is the first lesson of NM3228 and we had a Class Exercise (1).

For the exercise, we were told to come out with our definition of Sequential Art.
We were given plenty of pictures, and after comparing the pictures in my group.

Here are the 3 main characterises of our definition for Sequential Art:

1) By comparing between images and text. We felt that image should be the main "medium" to convey out the story/ information.
The image itself should make sense for the viewer and the short text act as a supporting role to help further enhance the story/ information.        Here is an example:
 By comparing the two images, I think it is quite obvious to what I mean.
--> Without the help of text, readers can still get a clear idea of the story/ information.

(Sequential Art)
---> I guess readers wouldn't understand what is it trying to convey without the help of those texts.

(Not Sequential Art)
---> As for this image, the text is a complement to help further understand the images.

(Sequential Art)

2) The frame of pictures can be different but the sequence must be connected (there should be a connection) to help make sense; to make up the story or convey an information.
Here is an example:

(Not Sequential Art)
By comparing the images above and the one on the left, our group finds that the image (TOP) doesn't have a strong connector that helps to convey a story/ information through the the 3 images.

There should be a flow in before and after of each subsequence frame like the image (LEFT), the images/ scenarios are all different but there is an identical connector (strawberry) to help the story flow.

(Sequential Art)

3) The main icon within the progression of a story/ information should be in a timeline, instead of snap shot of images of different images that won't make up a story/ information when they are together. (I guess it's also pretty similar to the 2nd point)                      For example:

By comparing the two images:

The image (LEFT) tells a very clear information of the progress of the town when you read left to right.

(Sequential Art)

As for the Chingmingscoll (below), there is no main icon/ character to focus that helps to tell a story through the image. It is just different parts of the city being stitch together. Hence, if you try reading from left-right or vice versa, it doesn't make up a story/ information when they are together. Perhaps, it only to shows us how this city look like but not conveying a story/ information by a sequence.            (Not Sequential Art)

For my conclusion, the word “sequential” in the term “sequential art” means when many different images are set and put into a sequence, it should help to make sense for viewer. As for "art", I guess "art" is something that depends on how every individual sees it, mostly would base on their own point of view or how the "art" are being appreciated. Hence, the gap of the sequence of images may allow different viewers to have different expression of imaginations- which the expression of imaginations would be consider as "art".

Some other images we consider as not a sequential art but simply as a art piece.

That's about all :)

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